
New Members Start Here

As a new member, do these things first

1. Sign up to access your CalOptima Health Medi-Cal member portal

CalOptima Health’s website makes it easier for you to find what you need using any device. A secure online member portal lets you:

  • Update your personal information
  • Request a new ID card
  • Print a copy of your ID card
  • Change your health network (HN) or primary care provider (PCP)
  • Request interpreter services

How to sign up and log in to your CalOptima Health Medi-Cal member portal

To sign up, access your secure online member portal at

2. Choose a PCP and an HN

A PCP is a health care provider who is responsible for your routine medical care. A health network is a group of doctors and hospitals that provide your health care services.

You must choose a PCP and HN from the Provider Directory within 30 days of enrolling in CalOptima Health. If you don’t choose an HN after 30 days of becoming a member, CalOptima Health will choose one for you. You may change your PCP and HN every 30 days.

How to find a PCP and HN:

  • If you have a doctor you want to keep or want to find a new PCP, go to the online Provider Directory at The Provider Directory has information to help you choose a PCP.
  • If you need a Provider Directory mailed to you, call CalOptima Health Customer Service at 1-714-246-8500 or toll-free at 1-888-587-8088 (TTY 711), Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. We have staff who speak your language.

How to choose a PCP and HN:

To select your PCP and HN, you can:

  • Access your secure online member portal at , or
  • Call CalOptima Health Customer Service at 1-714-246-8500 or toll-free at 1-888-587-8088 (TTY 711), or
  • Complete and return the CalOptima Health Network Selection Form sent in your new member packet.

3. Learn about your Medi-Cal benefits

The Member Handbook tells you about your coverage under CalOptima Health. Please read it carefully and completely. It will help you understand the benefits and services available to you and how to get the care you need. It also explains your rights and responsibilities as a CalOptima Health member.

  • To get a complete list of services we cover, view the Member Handbook at
  • If you want a Member Handbook mailed to you or have benefit questions, please call CalOptima Health Customer Service at 1-714 246-8500 or toll-free at 1-888-587-8088 (TTY 711).

4. Schedule your Initial Health Appointment (IHA)

CalOptima Health recommends scheduling your first visit with your new PCP within 120 days for an IHA. The IHA helps your PCP learn about your health care history and needs. Your PCP might ask questions about your health or have you fill out a questionnaire. Your PCP will also tell you about health education counseling and classes that can help you.

Other important information

If you are pregnant and have Medi-Cal

See your doctor as soon as you think you are pregnant to begin prenatal care. Ask your doctor about Perinatal Support Services. This program gives you more information during your pregnancy and for 2 months after your baby is born.

If you need transportation and have Medi-Cal

Depending on your situation, you may qualify for either medical transportation or non-medical transportation. These services are not for emergencies and may be free.

Medical Transportation

You can get medical transportation if you have medical needs that don’t allow you to use a car, bus or taxi to your appointments. You can get medical transportation by ambulance, litter van, wheelchair van or air transport for covered services and Medi-Cal-covered pharmacy appointments. You can request medical transportation by asking your doctor, dentist, podiatrist or mental health or substance use disorder provider for it. Your provider will decide the correct type of transportation to meet your needs.

You can get non-medical transportation to your appointments when the appointment is for a Medi-Cal-covered service, and you don’t have access to transportation. CalOptima Health allows you to use a car, taxi, bus or other public or private way to get to your medical appointment for Medi-Cal-covered services. You can get a ride for free when you have tried all other ways to get transportation.

What is the CalOptima Health Medi-Cal transportation phone number?
To request a ride for authorized services, call CalOptima Health’s transportation line at 1-833-648-7528 (TTY 711) at least 2 business days (Monday–Friday) before your appointment. Or call as soon as you can when you have an urgent appointment. Have your member ID card ready when you call.

If you need Medi-Cal dental services

The Medi-Cal Dental Fee for Service (FFS) Program is the same as FFS Medi-Cal for your dental services. Before you get dental services, you must show your state-issued Medi-Cal Benefits Identification Card (BIC) to the dental provider. Make sure the provider takes FFS Dental and you are not part of a managed care plan that covers dental services. Medi-Cal covers many different dental services through the Medi-Cal Dental Program.

If you have questions about Medi-Cal dental services, call the Medi‑Cal Dental Program at 1-800-322-6384 (TTY 1-800-735-2922 or 711). You can also visit the website at or

If you need Medi-Cal vision services

Medi-Cal vision coverage includes:

  • Routine eye exam once every 24 months; more frequent eye exams are covered if medically necessary for members, such as those with diabetes
  • Eyeglasses (frames and lenses) once every 24 months with a valid prescription

For more information, call Vision Service Plan (VSP) at 1-800-438-4560 (TTY 1-800-735-2922) or go to You can also use our provider search tool at to help you find a Medi-Cal vision provider.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is my CalOptima Health Medi-Cal login?

You can sign up or reset your password to the CalOptima Health Medi Cal member portal by visiting

Do I need my Medi-Cal card for an appointment?

Yes. For medical appointments, use your CalOptima Health Medi-Cal member ID card. For other services such as dental, vision and pharmacy, use your state-issued Medi-Cal BIC.

How do I replace my Medi-Cal card?

If your CalOptima Health member ID card is damaged, lost or stolen, call CalOptima Health Customer Service right away at 1-714-246-8500 or toll-free at 1-888-587-8088 (TTY 711). CalOptima Health will send you a new card for free. You can also request an ID card or print a copy on the CalOptima Health Medi Cal member portal by visiting
If your Medi-Cal BIC is damaged, lost or stolen, call the County of Orange Social Services Agency at 1-800-281-9799.

How do I check my Medi-Cal benefits?

You can check your Medi-Cal benefits in the CalOptima Health Medi-Cal Member Handbook at, by visiting the CalOptima Health Medi-Cal member portal or by calling Customer Service at 1-714 246-8500 or toll-free at 1-888-587-8088 (TTY 711).

How do I make a doctor’s appointment if I have Medi-Cal?

After choosing your PCP, call their office directly to schedule appointments. If you need help, call CalOptima Health Customer Service at 1-714-246-8500 or toll-free at 1-888-587-8088 (TTY 711).

Does Medi-Cal cover vision?

Yes, Medi-Cal covers vision services. You can learn more about your Medi-Cal vision benefits and how to access them in your Member Handbook at or by calling Customer Service at 1-714-246-8500 or toll free at 1-888-587-8088 (TTY 711).

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