About Us

Report to the Community

This report highlights the impacts and accomplishments of the past year, working with our community partners to achieve results and transform the delivery of care to our members.

Read Our 2024 Report to the Community A comprehensive look at CalOptima Health’s programs and impact in Orange County

Watch Stories from Our Members

Keiko Gamez

A mother of four, Keiko Gamez relies on CalOptima Health’s Medi-Cal plan for her children and OneCare for her Medicare and Medi-Cal coverage. Meet Keiko and learn about her health care journey navigating through Lyme disease.

Lilia Lopez

Prior to joining PACE, Lilia, who primarily speaks Spanish, struggled to have her health needs met. Today, as a PACE participant, Lilia counts on an interdisciplinary team of 10 specialists to help manage her diabetes and overall wellness. Meet Lilia and watch her experience at CalOptima Health PACE.

Arianna Gifford

Born two months premature, Arianna Gifford receives a range of therapies coordinated by CalOptima Health and the Regional Center of Orange County. Arianna’s mother Sara says her daughter’s personality is beginning to show, and her stubbornness and determination are just the traits she needs to overcome challenges in her development. Meet Arianna and learn how CalOptima Health supports her growth.

Hai Hoang

Meet Hai Hoang and learn how he overcame osteosarcoma as a child. He is now an advocate for CalOptima Health members and helps children with disabilities through his role with Illumination Institute. Meet Hai and watch him describe his battle with bone cancer and career serving vulnerable members.

See Us in the News

Watch ABC7’s coverage of the Street Medicine Program launch.

Watch ABC7’s story about our plans for a Street Medicine Support Center.

Watch U.S. Rep. Katie Porter commend CalOptima Health’s $25.5 million investment to expand access to mental health services in all of Orange County’s 29 school districts.

View ABC7’s piece about CalOptima Health’s funding for school-based mental health resources in Orange County.

See Us in the Community

Watch our brand anthem video to learn about the creation of the Your Health Is Everything to Us campaign.

Watch our brand awareness TV commercial.

Watch our OneCare TV commercial to learn how we serve members who are eligible for both Medicare and Medi-Cal.

Watch a video about the impact of CalOptima Health's work with Community Action Partnership of Orange County.

About Us
  • Our Programs
    Learn about Medi-Cal, OneCare (HMO D-SNP), OneCare Connect and PACE

  • In the Community
    Find out about upcoming activities and events
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