Current Initiatives

California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal


Woman smiling

Open Funding Opportunities

HHIP Round 4 Application Portal Use this link to access the application portal.

Housing and Homelessness Incentive Program (HHIP)

As a means of addressing health disparities and social determinants of health, Medi-Cal MCPs are able to earn incentive funds for making investments and progress in addressing homelessness and keeping people housed. MCPs and the local homeless Continuum of Care, in partnership with public health jurisdictions, county behavioral health, public hospitals, county social services and local housing departments, must submit a homelessness plan to DHCS.

The homelessness plan must outline how HHIP services and supports will be integrated into the homeless system. This would include a housing and services gaps and needs assessment and how these funds will prioritize aging and disabled homeless Californians (including those with a behavioral health disability). Plans should build off of existing Department of Housing and Urban Development or other homeless programs and be designed to address unmet needs. The homelessness plans must include mapping the continuum of services with a focus on homelessness prevention, interim housing (particularly for the aging and disabled population), rapid re-housing (families and youth) and permanent supportive housing.

CalOptima Health's DHCS HHIP Submissions Documents

HHIP Letter of Intent  Submitted April 4, 2022

HHIP Local Homelessness Plan  Submitted June 30, 2022

HHIP Investment Plan  Submitted September 30, 2022

Incentive Payment Program

The CalAIM Incentive Payment Program is intended to support the implementation and expansion of ECM and Community Supports by incentivizing managed care plans (MCPs) — in accordance with 42 CFR Section 438.6(b) — to invest in provider capacity and delivery system infrastructure; bridge current silos across physical and behavioral health care service delivery; reduce health disparities and promote health equity; achieve improvements in quality performance; and encourage use of Community Supports. Learn more at DHCS’ Incentive Payment Program FAQ.  

Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH)

California’s Section 1115 waiver renewal includes expenditure authority for the Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) initiative to maintain, build and scale the services, capacity and infrastructure necessary to ensure the successful implementation of ECM, Community Supports and justice-involved services. PATH funding aims to support community-level service delivery networks to ensure access and improve health outcomes. Particular attention is paid to communities that have been historically under-resourced because of economic or social marginalization due to race, ethnicity, rural geography or other factors. PATH funding is available for various entities, such as providers, counties, former Whole Person Care lead entities, community-based organizations, tribes and others. Learn more at DHCS’ PATH website.  

Past Funding Opportunities

Homeless Clinic Access Program (HCAP) 2.0  Organizations Receiving Funding - $3M

HHIP NOFO Round 1 – Feb. 2023  Organizations Receiving Funding in HHIP NOFO Round 1 - $29.83M

HHIP NOFO Round 2 – Oct. 2023  Organizations Receiving Funding in HHIP NOFO Round 2 - $52.3M

Nonprofit Healthcare Academy Round 1 - Oct 2023  Organizations Receiving Funding in Round 1 - $350K

IPP CHW Academy & Capacity Building Round 1 - March 2024  Organizations Receiving Funding in Round 1 - $2.1M

HHIP NOFO Round 3 - May 2024  Organizations Receiving Funding in HHIP NOFO Round 3 - $35.78M

IPP 2022 Grant Listings  Organizations Receiving Funding in ECM and CS: $14M

IPP 2023 Grant Listings  Organizations Receiving Funding in ECM and CS: $10M

IPP CHW 2024 Grant Listings  Organizations Receiving Funding in CHW & Capacity Building: $2.1M

IPP 2024 Grant Listings  Organizations Receiving Funding in ECM and CS: $2.4M

Nonprofit Healthcare Academy Round 2  Organizations Receiving Funding in Round 2 - $350K

HHIP Pulse for Good Cohort 1  Organizations Receiving Funding in Round 1 - $330K

HHIP Pulse for Good Cohort 2  Organizations Receiving Funding in Round 2 - $330K

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