Long-Term Services and Supports

About Community-Based Adult Services

Adult day health care

Community-Based Adult Services or CBAS offers assistance and services to low income, elderly or disabled individuals. Participating seniors and disabled individuals receive services at a local community adult day care center, allowing participants to continue living at home, with the intention to minimize the need for placement in nursing homes.

Eligibility guidelines

In addition to being a CalOptima member, to be eligible for CBAS participants must:

  • Be 18 years old or older
  • Have a physical, behavioral or memory problem
  • Need to live in a long-term care facility if you do not get CBAS services

Benefits of program

CBAS participants receive the following benefits:

  • Nursing services — to observe and monitor your health and medicines, and supervise your personal care
  • Personal care/social services — to help you with hygiene and other daily tasks
  • Physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy
  • Meal service — to serve you at least one meal per day at the center
  • Transportation — to and from the CBAS center, as necessary

Community-Based Adult Services (CBAS) Frequently Asked Questions Read a list of commonly asked questions and answers to learn more about the CBAS program.

Please call our Long-Term Services and Supports department at 714-246-8444 with any questions or for additional information.

Contact Us
Provider Directory
  • Find a Provider
    CalOptima Health works with over 3,700 Orange County physicians, making it easy for our members to get the care they need.

    Check here for our extensive list of providers, health networks, medical groups, hospitals and pharmacies.
Provider Trainings
  • Trainings by Topic
    View the latest model of care and other educational materials designed to help you and your staff provide care for CalOptima Health members.

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