Provider Trainings
Assisting Members with Advance Directives: What Providers Need to Know Tips for providing members with Advance Directives.
Authorization Modification / Change Requests from Providers Understand the process of Prior Authorization modifications.
California COVID-19 Therapeutics Best Practices Toolkit Guidance and recommendations for providers integrating COVID–19 treatments into routine health services.
Community-Based Adult Services (CBAS) online training Understand how to register, verify eligibility, request prior authorizations and more for CBAS members.
Dementia Care Aware Provider Training The Dementia Care Aware program offers ways for providers and primary care teams to receive training on the cognitive health assessment and other relevant dementia care topics.
Improving patient satisfaction in the medical office training Tips to improve the patient experience in your office.
Initial Health Appointment (IHA)
Medi-Cal Annual Wellness Visits Understand the Medi-Cal Annual Wellness Visit Program
Medi-Cal Annual Wellness Visit Provider Attestation Download, complete and obtain information about the Annual Wellness Visit Provider Attestation
Medi-Cal Annual Wellness Visit Program FAQ Find answers to frequently asked questions about the Annual Wellness Visit Program
Screen and Intervene: A Toolkit for Pediatricians to Address Food Insecurity Tips for pediatricians to address food insecurity for members.
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