About CalOptima

Veronica Carpenter

Chief Administrative Officer

Veronica Carpenter

As Chief Administrative Officer, Veronica Carpenter has overall responsibility and accountability for the activities of several CalOptima Health departments, including Government Affairs, Communications, Community Relations, Strategic Development and the Clerk of the Board. Carpenter leads her teams by developing a shared sense of purpose and commitment to CalOptima Health’s member-focused mission and vision. She works closely with the executive leadership team, CalOptima Health Board of Directors, elected officials, regulatory agencies, associations, contractors and key stakeholders. Carpenter joined CalOptima Health in 2021, bringing more than 15 of leadership at Orange County public offices and agencies. Dedicated to supporting health care for vulnerable populations, she worked for the Orange County Health Care Agency as the assistant to the agency director overseeing strategic communications and special projects. Carpenter holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and government from UCLA and a master’s degree in public administration from USC.

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