OneCare (HMO D-SNP)
Call 911, if you think you have a medical or psychiatric emergency or go to the nearest hospital.
Find a doctor or specialist You can search by name, health network, city, language, and more.
Find a behavioral health provider Behavioral health providers such as psychologists, psychiatrists and more.
Book a telehealth appointment with a Behavioral Health provider! Follow these steps to book an appointment through your member portal.
Find a vision provider Search for eye doctors such as an ophthalmologist or optometrist by name or area.
Find a hospital or facility Facilities are places such as long-term care facilities, laboratories, and imaging centers. You can also find community-based adult services (CBAS) centers, medical and non-medical transportation services, and more.
Find urgent care Urgent care is care you need within 24 hours, but it is not an emergency or life threatening.
Find a dentist Search for dental providers by name, area, language and more.
Find a pharmacy Search by area or type of pharmacy.
Call CalOptima Health’s Customer Service department at the numbers below, if you have questions or need help finding a provider.
To file a complaint with Medicare, click on the following link to complete a complaint form on the Medicare website: Medicare Complaint Form.H5433_25WEB001_M_2025 (Accepted 9/17/2024) Disclaimers