Behavioral Health

Behavioral Health Resources

Mental health and substance use disorder services

CalOptima Behavioral Health

For all Medi-Cal and OneCare members seeking outpatient mental health services
855-877-3885 (TTY 711)

Orange County Mental Health Plan Access Line

For members seeking specialty mental health and/or substance use services

OC Links

For information or links to county behavioral health services including: child and adult mental health, alcohol and drug inpatient and outpatient, crisis programs, and prevention and early intervention services
714-834-2332 TDD/TTY

Didi Hirsch Suicide Crisis Hotline

Crisis prevention hotline provides toll-free, 24-hour, immediate, confidential, culturally and linguistically appropriate, over-the-phone suicide prevention services to anyone who is in crisis or experiencing suicidal thoughts

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Warm Line

Non-crisis support for anyone struggling with mental health and substance abuse issues
24 hours
877-910-WARM or 877-910-9276

Orange County Health Care Agency (OC HCA)

For information on county resources

Crises Assessment Team (CAT)

Crisis evaluation for adults

下載 2023 OneCare (HMO D-SNP),Medicare Medi-Cal 計劃醫療服務者目錄(2023 年 2 月 6 日更新)   使用醫療服務者者目錄查找您附近的醫生、專科醫生、藥房或其他提供者

Contact Us
Provider Directory
  • Find a Provider
    CalOptima Health works with over 3,700 Orange County physicians, making it easy for our members to get the care they need.

    Check here for our extensive list of providers, health networks, medical groups, hospitals and pharmacies.
Provider Trainings
  • Trainings by Topic
    View the latest model of care and other educational materials designed to help you and your staff provide care for CalOptima Health members.

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